The power of turquoise is located in the hard-working team, with effective and creative ideas, following the modern and globalized working behaviors and environment.
The challenge that was accomplished in the beginnings: is in spite of being new and fresh in the market, the variety of clients were satisfied with our services.
Creativity and wide connections combined together are what turquoise specialize in, having a range of selected clients and partners throughout the world strengthen our work in the market and make us a powerful competitor.
Since its establishment till now, the turquoise co. plays a leading role in the industry of marketing. It has been classified very recently on top of the rows of the specialized and experienced team of the market, as it provides a wide range of communication and media services. These characteristics as a whole increase the success rate of turquoise comparing with the market.
Turquoise has joined the world latest approach in marketing; Content Marketing and Inbound Marketing, in order to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience and ultimately to drive profitable customer action. This new approach is the best way to reach online customers.
Turquoise services:
- Creative technical design.
- Ads. & Media.
- Newspapers and e-agencies news ads.
- Audio-visual Media.
- Manufacturing all kinds of Gifts and Publications.
- Public Relations.
- Events Management.
- Trademarks.
- Market Research and Preparing Marketing Plans.
- Developing websites.
- Social Media.
- Inbound and content marketing
Turquoise Background
Turquoise is registered, licensed & based in Ramallah; the company was launched as an initiative of personnel with skills and expertise in various relevant fields.
Turquoise offers a variety of services to improve the image of Brands, promotions, and Events.